Welcome to Imaad Schools Lekki.. Resumtion Date for 2023/2024 session starts: 4th September 2023


Imaad Scholarship

Students who seek admission into Year 7 of our Secondary School or Year 10 will have the opportunity to acquire a scholarship at Imaad Schools Lekki.


Imaad Schools Scholarship Examination (ISSE) is an initiative targeted at brilliant and gifted pupils who desire tuition fee free quality education in an international school of repute.

Each participating school is expected to present maximum of best  two pupils, who will slug it out with pupils from other schools. The areas of focus are English / Literacy, Mathematics/Numeracy and General Papers.  Two students and one educator may accompany the participants.

This event is holds at the school auditorium ; We shall give scholarship to the best two pupils who emerged for the best academic session. 

Below is the information of some of the percentages of scores and the scholarship award for each of the percentage. Other fabulous prizes will also be given.

The table below shows the detail of scores and the level of scholarships given.


95% - 100% score         100%scholarship

90% - 94% score           190% scholarship

80% – 89% score           80% scholarship

70% - 79% score          70% scholarship

60% - 69% score          40% scholarship

50% - 59% score          20% scholarship

Below 50%               no scholarship.