Welcome to Imaad Schools Lekki.. Resumtion Date for 2023/2024 session starts: 4th September 2023


Imaad School - Elementary

Under the subject goals, your child will learn how to develop a deep understanding of subjects such as Mathematics, Literacy, Science, ICT & Computing, Technology, History, Geography, Physical Education. The personal learning goals at Imaad Schools Lekki, will equip your child with the essential 21st-century skills, comprising communication, resilience, adaptability, thoughtfulness, cooperation, respect and morality.


Best School in Lagos & Nigeria

We are dedicated to raising a generation of God-fearing, self-directed and lifelong learners who are:

  • Leaders of great character
  • Creative and critical thinkers
  • Collaborative and independent workers
  • Globally, culturally and socially empathetic.
  • Prepared for a life of success..


Lower Elementary School

The lower elementary school is from year 1 to Year 2. Our aim is to make school enjoyable for our pupils; so we incorporate fun into learning and structure our learning environment to make learning easy for our pupils.


Upper Elementary School

The upper elementary school is from year 3 to Year 6.The lessons taught in these classes are based on knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes. Imaad curriculum becomes more specialized with the addition of new developmental and learning needs to be attained.
